Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Blog #8

In Reanne Becerra post it talkes about how difficult it is to not getting around politics without mentioning Donald Trump. I agree, most of my post that I have summited talk about how unfair of a president he is. I also agree that Donald Trump mostly deals with issues that will bring him popularity. He always is on social media like twitter and is always posting irrelevant things like talking about celebrities when there are other more important issues that need to be talked about. She also mention that he docent have a political background and thats why he docent understand how important it is to be a president. I agree with what she is saying because most of the things that he has done don't benefit the people of the U.S.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Blog #7

The new bill that was just passed by the House of Representatives has caused controversy.The bill bands "sanctuary" jurisdiction in Texas. The bill lets the state police to ask people about there immigration status.Many people are not in favor of the bill there has bean protest to ban the bill.In the New York times theres an article that after the bill was passes many went to protest in the capitol.About two dozen demonstrators held a daylong sit-in at a state building on the grounds of the Texas Capitol on Monday to oppose legislation that would ban so-called sanctuary jurisdictions in Texas.I think that the bill should be removed because its unfair and many families are going to be separated.